Energy Harvesting Module

Vars | |
PN | cached powernet, assigned when attached to a wirenet with a powernet |
accumulated_power | amount of power consumed by the harvester, incremented every tick and reset every budget cycle |
input_energy | energy inputted into machine |
last_accumulated_power | last amount of energy transmitted before being reset by budget cycle, so CE can check if his engine modifications are making more power |
last_payout | last payout recieved, so CE can gleefully rub his hands every time the paycheck comes in |
last_tick | stores last REALTIMEOFDAY tick. SSEconomy runs off of that, don't see why this one shouldn't too |
manual_power_setting | manual power setting to limit the maximum draw of the machine |
manual_switch | manual on/off switch |
Procs | |
attackby | Standard checks for connecting a machine to an open cable node |
calculateMoney | |
connect_to_network | links this to SSeconomy so it can be added to the budget cycle calculations for when a mapper connects it to the power room roundstart |
disconnect_from_network | |
payout | |
process |
Var Details

cached powernet, assigned when attached to a wirenet with a powernet

amount of power consumed by the harvester, incremented every tick and reset every budget cycle

energy inputted into machine

last amount of energy transmitted before being reset by budget cycle, so CE can check if his engine modifications are making more power

last payout recieved, so CE can gleefully rub his hands every time the paycheck comes in

stores last REALTIMEOFDAY tick. SSEconomy runs off of that, don't see why this one shouldn't too

manual power setting to limit the maximum draw of the machine

manual on/off switch
Proc Details
Standard checks for connecting a machine to an open cable node
- Computes money reward for power transmitted. Balancing goes here.
- Uses a piecewise function with three defined thresholds and three separate formulas. First linear formula instead of logarithmic so that you don't make
- a not insignificant amount of money by charging it with 300W. The other two formulas scale logarithmically and are designed to be balanced against extreme
- engine setups such as rad-dupe SMs and fusion TEGs.
links this to SSeconomy so it can be added to the budget cycle calculations for when a mapper connects it to the power room roundstart
- Locates a power node on the turf the harvester is on, then caches a reference to its powernet and queues up in processing
- Taken from obj/machinery/power which has it natively, but this is an obj/item
- Disconnects from the powernet and sets cached powernet reference to null, then takes it out of processing queue
- Taken from obj/machinery/power which has it natively, but this is an obj/item
- Actually sends money to the engineering budget. Called exclusively by the SSEconomy subsystem in [][/code/controllers/subsystem/].
- Resets accumulated power to 0 and archives payout received and power generated.
- Checks if machine works or is still attached to a power node, shuts itself down if nonfunctional and takes itself out of processing queue
- If functional, sucks up all the excess power from the powernet and adds it to the accumulated_power var
- Uses REALTIMEOFDAY since that's what SSEconomy runs off. If using regular tick time, a lag spike will slow down the rate of power absorption and thus the money output.