stun baton

Vars | |
cell | the cell used by the baton |
cell_last_used | used for passive discharge |
cooldown | how long we can't use this baton for after slapping someone with it. Does not account for melee attack cooldown (default of 0.8 seconds). |
hitcost | how much charge is deducted from the cell when we slap someone while on |
preload_cell_type | if not empty the baton starts with this type of cell |
stamina_damage | how much stamina damage we deal per hit, this is combatted by energy armor |
status | are we turned on |
stunforce | how long a clown stuns themself for, or someone is stunned for if they are hit to >90 stamina damage |
throw_hit_chance | % chance we hit someone with the correct side of the baton when thrown |
Procs | |
toggle_light | Toggles the stun baton's light |
Var Details

the cell used by the baton

used for passive discharge

how long we can't use this baton for after slapping someone with it. Does not account for melee attack cooldown (default of 0.8 seconds).

how much charge is deducted from the cell when we slap someone while on

if not empty the baton starts with this type of cell

how much stamina damage we deal per hit, this is combatted by energy armor

are we turned on

how long a clown stuns themself for, or someone is stunned for if they are hit to >90 stamina damage

% chance we hit someone with the correct side of the baton when thrown
Proc Details
Toggles the stun baton's light