
Vars | |
atmos_processing | Boolean on whether this machines interact with atmos |
last_used_time | world.time of last use by /mob/living |
last_user_mobtype | Mobtype of last user. Typecast to /mob/living for initial() usage |
subsystem_type | What subsystem this machine will use, which is generally SSmachines or SSfastprocess. By default all machinery use SSmachines. This fires a machine's process() roughly every 2 seconds. |
tgui_id | For storing and overriding ui id |
Procs | |
dropContents | Drop every movable atom in the machine's contents list, including any components and circuit. |
get_room_area | Get a valid powered area to reference for power use, mainly for wall-mounted machinery that isn't always mapped directly in a powered location. |
open_machine | Opens the machine. |
power_change | Called whenever the power settings of the containing area change |
try_put_in_hand | Puts passed object in to user's hand |
Var Details

Boolean on whether this machines interact with atmos

world.time of last use by /mob/living

Mobtype of last user. Typecast to /mob/living for initial() usage

What subsystem this machine will use, which is generally SSmachines or SSfastprocess. By default all machinery use SSmachines. This fires a machine's process() roughly every 2 seconds.

For storing and overriding ui id
Proc Details
Drop every movable atom in the machine's contents list, including any components and circuit.
Get a valid powered area to reference for power use, mainly for wall-mounted machinery that isn't always mapped directly in a powered location.
Opens the machine.
Will update the machine icon and any user interfaces currently open. Arguments:
- drop - Boolean. Whether to drop any stored items in the machine. Does not include components.
- density - Boolean. Whether to make the object dense when it's open.
Called whenever the power settings of the containing area change
by default, check equipment channel & set flag, can override if needed
Returns TRUE if the NOPOWER flag was toggled
Puts passed object in to user's hand
Puts the passed object in to the users hand if they are adjacent. If the user is not adjacent then place the object on top of the machine.
- object (obj) The object to be moved in to the users hand.
- user (mob/living) The user to recive the object