Vars | |
abandoned | Will this airlock go through special effects |
aiControlDisabled | If 1, AI control is disabled until the AI hacks back in and disables the lock. If 2, the AI has bypassed the lock. If -1, the control is enabled but the AI had bypassed it earlier, so if it is disabled again the AI would have no trouble getting back in. |
aiDisabledIdScanner | Does this airlock scan IDs |
aiHacking | Is the AI currently hacking this door? |
airlock_material | Material of inner filling; if its an airlock with glass, this should be set to "glass" |
airlock_state | The current state of the airlock, used to construct the airlock overlays |
bolt_log | Log of who is bolting this door |
charge | If a charge is on it, explode when the door is opened |
closeOther | Reference to the other airlock to link with |
closeOtherId | Cyclelinking for airlocks that aren't on the same x or y coord as the target. |
cut_wires_on_break | Whether wires should all cut themselves when this door is broken. |
cyclelinkedx | X-dir to search for a door to link with |
cyclelinkedy | Y-dir to search for a door to link with |
delayed_close_requested | Will it close automagically next time it's opened |
detonated | Has a airlock charge detonated, prevents interaction |
hackProof | Can the AI not hack this door |
justzap | Will it shock someone upon touching it |
lights | Do bolt lights show up |
note | Type of paper pinned to the airlock |
prying_so_hard | Is it currently being pried open |
secondsBackupPowerLost | The number of seconds until backup power is restored. |
secondsMainPowerLost | The number of seconds until power is restored. |
security_level | How much are wires secured |
shockCooldown | Cooldowns for shocks |
shocking_log | Log of who is shocking this door |
spawnPowerRestoreRunning | Is the door currently restoring power |
Procs | |
beforeShuttleMove | Turf move procs |
close | this is different because we need one that covers all doors |
set_wires |
Var Details
Will this airlock go through special effects
If 1, AI control is disabled until the AI hacks back in and disables the lock. If 2, the AI has bypassed the lock. If -1, the control is enabled but the AI had bypassed it earlier, so if it is disabled again the AI would have no trouble getting back in.
Does this airlock scan IDs
Is the AI currently hacking this door?
Material of inner filling; if its an airlock with glass, this should be set to "glass"
The current state of the airlock, used to construct the airlock overlays
Log of who is bolting this door
If a charge is on it, explode when the door is opened
Reference to the other airlock to link with
Cyclelinking for airlocks that aren't on the same x or y coord as the target.
Whether wires should all cut themselves when this door is broken.
X-dir to search for a door to link with
Y-dir to search for a door to link with
Will it close automagically next time it's opened
Has a airlock charge detonated, prevents interaction
Can the AI not hack this door
Will it shock someone upon touching it
Do bolt lights show up
Type of paper pinned to the airlock
Is it currently being pried open
The number of seconds until backup power is restored.
The number of seconds until power is restored.
How much are wires secured
Cooldowns for shocks
Log of who is shocking this door
Is the door currently restoring power
Proc Details
Turf move procs
Area move procs
Machinery move procs
this is different because we need one that covers all doors
Generates the airlock's wire layout based on the current area the airlock resides in.
Returns a new /datum/wires/ with the appropriate wire layout based on the airlock_wires of the area the airlock is in.