
Vars | |
dispenser_arm | whether or not the dispenser is active (wires can disable this) |
full_indicator_state | the icon state for the "oh no, we're full" indicator light |
has_emissive | Is this smartfridge going to have a glowing screen? (Drying Racks are not) |
initial_contents | List of items that the machine starts with upon spawn |
max_n_of_items | Maximum number of items that can be loaded into the machine |
pitch_delay | How long until we can pitch again? |
pitches | whether or not it should use "sales pitches" similar to a vendor machine |
product_slogans | String of slogans separated by semicolons, optional |
retrieval_state | the icon state for the dispensing animation |
retrieval_time | the length (in ticks) of the retrieval_state |
seconds_electrified | Shock users like an airlock. |
supports_capacity_indication | whether or not the smartfridge supports 5 levels of inventory quantity indication icon states |
supports_full_indicator_state | whether or not the smartfridge supports a full inventory indicator icon state |
supports_retrieval_state | whether or not the smartfridge supports a retrieval_state dispensing animation |
Procs | |
attackby | Item Adding |
dispense | Really simple proc, just moves the object "O" into the hands of mob "M" if able, done so I could modify the proc a little for the organ fridge |
Var Details

whether or not the dispenser is active (wires can disable this)

the icon state for the "oh no, we're full" indicator light

Is this smartfridge going to have a glowing screen? (Drying Racks are not)

List of items that the machine starts with upon spawn

Maximum number of items that can be loaded into the machine

How long until we can pitch again?

whether or not it should use "sales pitches" similar to a vendor machine

String of slogans separated by semicolons, optional

the icon state for the dispensing animation

the length (in ticks) of the retrieval_state

Shock users like an airlock.

whether or not the smartfridge supports 5 levels of inventory quantity indication icon states

whether or not the smartfridge supports a full inventory indicator icon state

whether or not the smartfridge supports a retrieval_state dispensing animation
Proc Details
Item Adding
Really simple proc, just moves the object "O" into the hands of mob "M" if able, done so I could modify the proc a little for the organ fridge