monster nest

Vars | |
assigned_tag | A complete identifier. Generated on tag (if tagged), used for its examine. |
gps_tagged | Has this spawner been tagged/analyzed by a mining scanner? |
mob_gps_id | A short identifier for the mob it spawns. Keep around 3 characters or less? |
scanner_descriptor | If this spawner's taggable, what's the text we use to describe what we can tag it with? |
scanner_taggable | Is this spawner taggable with something? |
scanner_types | If this spawner's taggable, what can we tag it with? |
spawner_gps_id | A short identifier for what kind of spawner it is, for use in putting together its GPS tag. |
Procs | |
gps_tag | Tag the spawner, prefixing its GPS entry with an identifier - or giving it one, if nonexistent. |
Var Details

A complete identifier. Generated on tag (if tagged), used for its examine.

Has this spawner been tagged/analyzed by a mining scanner?

A short identifier for the mob it spawns. Keep around 3 characters or less?

If this spawner's taggable, what's the text we use to describe what we can tag it with?

Is this spawner taggable with something?

If this spawner's taggable, what can we tag it with?

A short identifier for what kind of spawner it is, for use in putting together its GPS tag.
Proc Details
Tag the spawner, prefixing its GPS entry with an identifier - or giving it one, if nonexistent.