Yogstation 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/n_function/default/pickList operations (lists known as vectors in n_script) Picks one random item from the list
/datum/n_function/default/findString methods If list, finds a value in it, if text, finds a substring in it
/datum/n_function/default/substrReturns a substring of the string
/datum/n_function/default/lengthReturns the length of the string or list
/datum/n_function/default/lowerLowercase all characters
/datum/n_function/default/upperUppercase all characters
/datum/n_function/default/explodeConverts a string to a list
/datum/n_function/default/implodeConverts a list to a string
/datum/n_function/default/repeatRepeats the string x times
/datum/n_function/default/reverseReverses the order of the string. "Clown" becomes "nwolC"
/datum/n_function/default/maxNumber methods Returns the highest value of the arguments Need custom functions here cause byond's min and max runtimes if you give them a string or list.
/datum/n_function/default/minReturns the lowest value of the arguments
/datum/n_function/default/tostringTurns a Number into a String
/datum/n_function/default/absMagnitude of a Number
/datum/n_function/default/floorRounds a number down
/datum/n_function/default/ceilRounds a number up
/datum/n_function/default/roundRounds a number to its nearest integer
/datum/n_function/default/clampClamps a number between min and max
/datum/n_function/default/inrangeReturns TRUE if a number is inbetween Min and Max
/datum/n_function/default/sinReturns the sine of a number
/datum/n_function/default/cosReturns the cosine of a number
/datum/n_function/default/asinReturns the arcsine of a number
/datum/n_function/default/acosReturns the arccosine of a number
/datum/n_function/default/logReturns the natural log of a number
/datum/n_function/default/replaceReplaces text
/datum/n_function/default/timeMiscellaneous functions
/datum/n_function/default/sleepsClone of BYOND's sleep()