Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


A grouping of tiles into a logical space, mostly used by map editors


airlock_wiresWire assignment for airlocks in this area
ambient_buzzAmbient buzz of the station, plays repeatedly, also IC
ambient_buzz_volThe volume of the ambient buzz
area_has_base_lightingWhether this area has a currently active base lighting, bool
area_limited_icon_smoothingTypepath to limit the areas (subtypes included) that atoms in this area can smooth with. Used for shuttles.
base_lighting_alphaalpha 0-255 of lighting_effect and thus baselighting intensity
base_lighting_colorThe colour of the light acting on this area
daylight_multiplierDaylight brightness
delta_lighta simple check to determine whether the lights in an area should go red during delta alert
fireIf true, that means one of any fire alarms in the area is active
hiddenHides area from player Teleport function.
lighting_colour_bulbThe color of the light bulb's light in this area
lighting_colour_tubeThe color of the light tubes' light in this area
lighting_effectsList of mutable appearances we underlay to show light In the form plane offset + 1 -> appearance to use
lights_always_start_onWhether the lights in this area aren't turned off when it's empty at roundstart
map_generatorThis datum, if set, allows terrain generation behavior to be ran on Initialize()
max_ambience_cooldownUsed to decide what the maximum time between ambience is
min_ambience_cooldownUsed to decide what the minimum time between ambience is
mood_bonusBonus mood for being in this area
mood_messageMood message for being here, only shows up if mood_bonus != 0
safeIs the area teleport-safe: no space / radiation / aggresive mobs / other dangers
show_on_sensorsIf false, then this area will show up as gibberish on suit sensors.
sound_environmentUsed to decide what kind of reverb the area makes sound have
static_lightingWhether this area allows static lighting and thus loads the lighting objects
turfs_by_zlevelList of all turfs currently inside this area as nested lists indexed by zlevel. Acts as a filtered version of area.contents For faster lookup (area.contents is actually a filtered loop over world) Semi fragile, but it prevents stupid so I think it's worth it
turfs_to_uncontain_by_zlevelturfs_by_z_level can hold MASSIVE lists, so rather then adding/removing from it each time we have a problem turf We should instead store a list of turfs to REMOVE from it, then hook into a getter for it There is a risk of this and contained_turfs leaking, so a subsystem will run it down to 0 incrementally if it gets too large This uses the same nested list format as turfs_by_zlevel
uniqueIf false, loading multiple maps with this area type will create multiple instances.
uses_daylightWhether to cycle brightness based on time of day
xenobiology_compatibleCan the Xenobio management console transverse this area by default?


AllowDropCauses a runtime error
DestroyDestroy an area and clean it up
EnteredCall back when an atom enters an area
ExitedCalled when an atom exits an area
InitializeInitalize this area
LateInitializeSets machine power levels in the area
ModifyFiredoorsTry to close all the firedoors in the area
NewCalled when an area loads
addStaticPowerAdd a static amount of power load to an area
atmosalertGenerate an atmospheric alert for this area
burglaralertRaise a burglar alert for this area
cannonize_contained_turfsEnsures that the contained_turfs list properly represents the turfs actually inside us
cannonize_contained_turfs_by_zlevelEnsures that the contained_turfs list properly represents the turfs actually inside us
clear_usageClear all power usage in area
close_and_lock_doorClose and lock a door passed into this proc
create_area_lighting_objectsregenerates lighting objects for turfs in this area, primary use is VV changes
drop_locationCauses a runtime error
firealertGenerate an firealarm alert for this area
fireresetReset the firealarm alert for this area
get_highest_zlevelReturns the highest zlevel that this area contains turfs for
get_original_area_nameReturns the name of an area, with the original name if the area name has been changed.
get_turfs_by_zlevelReturns a list with all turfs in this zlevel.
get_turfs_from_all_zlevelsMerges a list containing all of the turfs zlevel lists from get_zlevel_turf_lists inside one list. Use get_zlevel_turf_lists() or get_turfs_by_zlevel() unless you need all the turfs in one list to avoid generating large lists
get_zlevel_turf_listsReturns a nested list of lists with all turfs split by zlevel. only zlevels with turfs are returned. The order of the list is not guaranteed.
has_contained_turfsReturns TRUE if we have contained turfs, FALSE otherwise
on_joining_gameCalled when a living mob that spawned here, joining the round, receives the player client.
place_on_topReactA hook so areas can modify the incoming args (of what??)
power_changeCalled when the area power status changes
poweralertGenerate a power alert for this area
poweredReturns int 1 or 0 if the area has power for the given channel
processIf 100 ticks has elapsed, toggle all the firedoors closed again
reg_in_areas_in_zRegister this area as belonging to a z level
remove_area_lighting_objectsRemoves lighting objects from turfs in this area if we have them, primary use is VV changes
set_fire_alarm_effectTrigger the fire alarm visual affects in an area
setupSetup an area (with the given name)
unset_fire_alarm_effectsunset the fire alarm visual affects in an area
update_areasizeSet the area size of the area
update_icon_stateUpdate the icon state of the area
usageReturn the usage of power per channel
use_powerAdd a power value amount to the stored used_x variables

Var Details


Wire assignment for airlocks in this area


Ambient buzz of the station, plays repeatedly, also IC


The volume of the ambient buzz


Whether this area has a currently active base lighting, bool


Typepath to limit the areas (subtypes included) that atoms in this area can smooth with. Used for shuttles.


alpha 0-255 of lighting_effect and thus baselighting intensity


The colour of the light acting on this area


Daylight brightness


a simple check to determine whether the lights in an area should go red during delta alert


If true, that means one of any fire alarms in the area is active


Hides area from player Teleport function.


The color of the light bulb's light in this area


The color of the light tubes' light in this area


List of mutable appearances we underlay to show light In the form plane offset + 1 -> appearance to use


Whether the lights in this area aren't turned off when it's empty at roundstart


This datum, if set, allows terrain generation behavior to be ran on Initialize()


Used to decide what the maximum time between ambience is


Used to decide what the minimum time between ambience is


Bonus mood for being in this area


Mood message for being here, only shows up if mood_bonus != 0


Is the area teleport-safe: no space / radiation / aggresive mobs / other dangers


If false, then this area will show up as gibberish on suit sensors.


Used to decide what kind of reverb the area makes sound have


Whether this area allows static lighting and thus loads the lighting objects


List of all turfs currently inside this area as nested lists indexed by zlevel. Acts as a filtered version of area.contents For faster lookup (area.contents is actually a filtered loop over world) Semi fragile, but it prevents stupid so I think it's worth it


turfs_by_z_level can hold MASSIVE lists, so rather then adding/removing from it each time we have a problem turf We should instead store a list of turfs to REMOVE from it, then hook into a getter for it There is a risk of this and contained_turfs leaking, so a subsystem will run it down to 0 incrementally if it gets too large This uses the same nested list format as turfs_by_zlevel


If false, loading multiple maps with this area type will create multiple instances.


Whether to cycle brightness based on time of day


Can the Xenobio management console transverse this area by default?

Proc Details


Causes a runtime error


Destroy an area and clean it up

Removes the area from GLOB.areas_by_type and also stops it processing on SSobj

This is despite the fact that no code appears to put it on SSobj, but who am I to argue with old coders


Call back when an atom enters an area

Sends signals COMSIG_AREA_ENTERED and COMSIG_ENTER_AREA (to the atom)

If the area has ambience, then it plays some ambience music to the ambience channel


Called when an atom exits an area

Sends signals COMSIG_AREA_EXITED and COMSIG_EXIT_AREA (to the atom)


Initalize this area

intializes the dynamic area lighting and also registers the area with the z level via reg_in_areas_in_z



Sets machine power levels in the area


Try to close all the firedoors in the area


Called when an area loads

Adds the item to the GLOB.areas_by_type list based on area type


Add a static amount of power load to an area



Generate an atmospheric alert for this area

Sends to all ai players, alert consoles, drones and alarm monitor programs in the world


Raise a burglar alert for this area

Close and locks all doors in the area and alerts silicon mobs of a break in

Alarm auto resets after 600 ticks


Ensures that the contained_turfs list properly represents the turfs actually inside us


Ensures that the contained_turfs list properly represents the turfs actually inside us


Clear all power usage in area

Clears all power used for equipment, light and environment channels


Close and lock a door passed into this proc

Does this need to exist on area? probably not


regenerates lighting objects for turfs in this area, primary use is VV changes


Causes a runtime error


Generate an firealarm alert for this area

Sends to all ai players, alert consoles, drones and alarm monitor programs in the world

Also starts the area processing on SSobj


Reset the firealarm alert for this area

resets the alert sent to all ai players, alert consoles, drones and alarm monitor programs in the world

Also cycles the icons of all firealarms and deregisters the area from processing on SSOBJ


Returns the highest zlevel that this area contains turfs for


Returns the name of an area, with the original name if the area name has been changed.

If an area has not been renamed, returns the area name. If it has been modified (by blueprints or other means) returns the current name, as well as the initial value, in the format of [Current Location Name (Original Name)]


Returns a list with all turfs in this zlevel.


Merges a list containing all of the turfs zlevel lists from get_zlevel_turf_lists inside one list. Use get_zlevel_turf_lists() or get_turfs_by_zlevel() unless you need all the turfs in one list to avoid generating large lists


Returns a nested list of lists with all turfs split by zlevel. only zlevels with turfs are returned. The order of the list is not guaranteed.


Returns TRUE if we have contained turfs, FALSE otherwise


Called when a living mob that spawned here, joining the round, receives the player client.


A hook so areas can modify the incoming args (of what??)


Called when the area power status changes

Updates the area icon and calls power change on all machinees in the area


Generate a power alert for this area

Sends to all ai players, alert consoles, drones and alarm monitor programs in the world


Returns int 1 or 0 if the area has power for the given channel

evalutes a mixture of variables mappers can set, requires_power, always_unpowered and then per channel power_equip, power_light, power_environ


If 100 ticks has elapsed, toggle all the firedoors closed again


Register this area as belonging to a z level

Ensures the item is added to the SSmapping.areas_in_z list for this z


Removes lighting objects from turfs in this area if we have them, primary use is VV changes


Trigger the fire alarm visual affects in an area

Updates the fire light on fire alarms in the area and sets all lights to emergency mode


Setup an area (with the given name)

Sets the area name, sets all status var's to false and adds the area to the sorted area list


unset the fire alarm visual affects in an area

Updates the fire light on fire alarms in the area and sets all lights to emergency mode


Set the area size of the area

This is the number of open turfs in the area contents, or FALSE if the outdoors var is set


Update the icon state of the area

Im not sure what the heck this does, somethign to do with weather being able to set icon states on areas?? where the heck would that even display?


Return the usage of power per channel


Add a power value amount to the stored used_x variables