Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


The mob, usually meant to be a creature of some type

Has a client attached that is a living person (most of the time), although I have to admit sometimes it's hard to tell they're sentient

Has a lot of the creature game world logic, such as health etc


LAssailantA weakref to the last mob/living/carbon to push/drag/grab this mob (exclusively used by slimes friend recognition)
actionsList of action hud items the user has
active_hand_indexWhat hand is the active hand
active_storageStorage component (for mob inventory)
bodytemperatureDefault body temperature
bubble_iconWhat icon the mob uses for typing indicators
buckledmovable atoms buckled to this mob
bucklingmovable atom we are buckled to
cached_multiplicative_slowdownThe calculated mob speed slowdown based on the modifiers list
can_toggle_combatWhether combat mode can be toggled
canon_clientThe current client inhabiting this mob. Managed by login/logout This exists so we can do cleanup in logout for occasions where a client was transfere rather then destroyed We need to do this because the mob on logout never actually has a reference to client We also need to clear this var/do other cleanup in client/Destroy, since that happens before logout HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
chameleon_item_actionsA list of chameleon actions we have specifically This can be unified with the actions list
click_interceptAllows a datum to intercept all click calls this mob is the so
client_coloursThe client colors the mob is looking at. (from 'code/modules/client/client_color.dm')
combat_modeWhether combat mode is enabled
control_objectUsed by admins to possess objects. All mobs should have this var
deathsoundThe sound made on death
digitalcamoCan they be tracked by the AI?
digitaldisguisewhat does the AI see instead of them?
digitalinvisAre they ivisible to the AI?
do_aftersFor storing what do_after's someone has, in case we want to restrict them to only one of a certain do_after at a time
emotes_usedUsed for tracking last uses of emotes for cooldown purposes
eye_blindIs the mob blind
eye_blurryDoes the mob have blurry sight
factionA list of factions that this mob is currently in, for hostile mob targetting, amongst other things
focusWhat receives our keyboard inputs. src by default. (from 'code/modules/keybindings/focus.dm')
grab_modeWhether grab mode is enabled
has_unlimited_silicon_privilegeCan they interact with station electronics
held_itemslist of items held in hands
hud_typeThe HUD type the mob will gain on Initialize. (from 'code/_onclick/hud/hud.dm')
hud_usedActive hud
in_throw_modeIs the mob throw intent on
is_shiftedIs the mob pixel shifted
jobWhat job does this mob have
lastKnownIPThe last known IP of the client who was in this mob
lighting_color_cutoffsA list of red, green and blue cutoffs This is what actually gets applied to the mob, it's modified by things like glasses
lighting_cutoffPercentage of how much rgb to max the lighting plane at This lets us brighten it without washing out color Scale from 0-100, reset off update_sight()
listed_turfthe current turf being examined in the stat panel
m_intentThe movement intent of the mob (run/wal)
machineThe machine the mob is interacting with (this is very bad old code btw)
memory_amtSize of the user's memory(IC notes)
mock_clientA mock client, provided by tests and friends
mousemove_intercept_objectsList of datums that this has which make use of MouseMove()
move_on_shuttleCan this mob enter shuttles
movespeed_modificationList of movement speed modifiers applying to this mob
name_archiveback up of the real name during admin possession
next_moveTick time the mob can next move
notransformMagic var that stops you moving and interacting with anything
num_legsHow many legs does this mob currently have. Should only be changed through set_num_legs()
observersThe list of people observing this mob.
originalactionsActions that belong to this mob used in observers
overeatdurationHow many ticks this mob has been over reating
progressbarsList of progress bars this mob is currently seeing for actions
real_nameWhat is the mobs real name (name is overridden for disguises etc)
registered_zTHe z level this mob is currently registered in
remote_controlCalls relay_move() to whatever this is set to when the mob tries to move
research_scannerI have no idea tbh
satietySatiation level of the mob
screensContains the fullscreen overlays the mob can see (from 'code/_onclick/hud/fullscreen.dm')
shift_to_open_context_menuWhether the context menu is opened with shift-right-click as opposed to right-click
spacewalkcan this mob move freely in space (should be a trait)
statWhether a mob is alive or dead. TODO: Move this to living - Nodrak (2019, still here)
status_flagsbitflags defining which status effects can be inflicted (replaces canknockdown, canstun, etc)
updating_glide_sizeWhether the mob is updating glide size when movespeed updates or not
zone_selectedThe zone this mob is currently targeting


CellSome kind of debug verb that gives atmosphere environment details
DestroyDelete a mob
GenerateTagGenerate the tag for this mob
InitializeIntialize a mob
IsAdvancedToolUserThis might need a rename but it should replace the can this mob use things check
LoginRun when a client is put in this mob or reconnets to byond and their client was on this mob
MouseDropControls if a mouse drop succeeds (return null if it doesnt)
Process_SpacemoveHandles mob/living movement in space (or no gravity)
TopicTopic call back for any mob
abandon_mobAllows you to respawn, abandoning your current mob
add_memoryAdd a note to the mind datum
add_movespeed_modifierAdd a move speed modifier to a mob
add_to_alive_mob_listAdds the mob reference to the list of all mobs alive. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all living player-mobs.
add_to_current_dead_playersAdds the cliented mob reference to either the list of dead player-mobs or to the list of observers, depending on how they joined the game.
add_to_current_living_antagsAdds the cliented mob reference to the list of living antag player-mobs.
add_to_current_living_playersAdds the cliented mob reference to the list of living player-mobs. If the mob is an antag, it adds it to the list of living antag player-mobs.
add_to_dead_mob_listAdds the mob reference to the list of all the dead mobs. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all dead player-mobs.
add_to_mob_listAdds the mob reference to the list and directory of all mobs. Called on Initialize(mapload).
add_to_mob_suicide_listAdds a mob reference to the list of all suicided mobs
add_to_player_listAdds the cliented mob reference to the list of all player-mobs, besides to either the of dead or alive player-mob lists, as appropriate. Called on Login().
adjust_blindnessAdjust a mobs blindness by an amount
adjust_bodytemperatureAdjust the body temperature of a mob, with min/max settings
adjust_disgustAdjust the disgust level of a mob
adjust_nutritionAdjust the nutrition of a mob
attack_uiThis proc is called whenever someone clicks an inventory ui slot.
auto_deadmin_on_loginChecks if the attached client is an admin and may deadmin them
blind_eyesBlind a mobs eyes by amount
buckle_mobBuckle to another mob
canUseStorageCan this mob use storage
canUseTopicCan the mob use Topic to interact with machines
can_block_magicChecks to see if the mob can block magic
can_bucklecan the mob be buckled to something by default?
can_cast_magicChecks to see if the mob can cast normal magic spells.
can_hearCan the mob hear
can_hold_itemsCan this mob hold items
can_interact_withCan the mob interact() with an atom?
can_mutateReturns TRUE if the mob is allowed to mutate via its DNA, or FALSE if otherwise. Only an organic Carbon with valid DNA may mutate; not robots, AIs, aliens, Ians, or other mobs.
can_readCan this mob read (is literate and not blind)
can_resistCan this mob resist (default FALSE)
can_see_reagentsCan the mob see reagents inside of containers?
can_unbucklecan the mob be unbuckled from something by default?
cancel_cameraSometimes helps if the user is stuck in another perspective or camera
canfaceReturns true if a mob can turn to face things
check_emoteCheck if this message is an emote
click_random_mobClicks a random nearby mob with the source from this mob
common_trait_examineExamine text for traits shared by multiple types.
create_chat_messageCreates a message overlay at a defined location for a given speaker
downMoves a mob down a z level
equip_to_appropriate_slotAuto equip the passed in item the appropriate slot based on equipment priority
equip_to_slotActually equips an item to a slot (UNSAFE)
equip_to_slot_if_possibleTry to equip an item to a slot on the mob
equip_to_slot_or_delEquip an item to the slot or delete
examinateSignal sent after the eye has been successfully updated, with the client existing. Examine a mob
faction_check_mobCheck if the other mob has any factions the same as us
first_nameFind the first name of a mob from the real name with regex
fully_replace_character_nameFully update the name of a mob
get_actions_for_statpanelConvert a list of spells into a displyable list for the statpanel
get_active_handGet the bodypart for whatever hand we have active, Only relevant for carbons
get_config_multiplicative_speedGet the global config movespeed of a mob by type
get_ghostGet the ghost of this mob (from the mind)
get_idcardGet the id card on this mob
get_item_by_slotGet the item on the mob in the storage slot identified by the id passed in
get_message_modsExtracts and cleans message of any extenstions at the begining of the message Inserts the info into the passed list, returns the cleaned message
get_mob_buckling_heightreturns the height in pixel the mob should have when buckled to another mob.
get_movespeed_modifiersGet the move speed modifiers list of the mob
get_photo_descriptionReturn the desc of this mob for a photo
get_policy_keywordsGet the list of keywords for policy config
get_slot_by_itemGets what slot the item on the mob is held in. Returns null if the item isn't in any slots on our mob. Does not check if the passed item is null, which may result in unexpected outcoms.
get_spacemove_backupFind movable atoms? near a mob that are viable for pushing off when moving
getorganGet the organ object from the mob matching the passed in typepath
getorganslotGet an organ relating to a specific slot
getorganszoneGet organ objects by zone
grab_ghostForce get the ghost from the mind
handle_eye_contactour active hand, to check if it's disabled/detatched how long it takes for the blind person to find the thing they're examining temporarily turn off combat mode for reasons handle_eye_contact() is called when we examine() something. If we examine an alive mob with a mind who has examined us in the last 2 seconds within 5 tiles, we make eye contact!
has_movespeed_modifierIs there a movespeed modifier for this mob
has_status_effectChecks if this mob has a status effect that shares the passed effect's ID
has_status_effect_listReturns a list of all status effects that share the passed effect type's ID
held_index_to_handReturns HAND_LEFT or HAND_RIGHT based on whether the left or right hand is selected
hide_other_mob_action_buttonsHide another mob's action buttons from this mob
hivecheckCheck if the mob has a hivemind channel
incapacitatedIs the mob incapacitated
is_flyingIs the mob a flying mob
is_literateThis mob is abile to read books
is_muzzledHandle the result of a click drag onto this mob
lingcheckCheck if the mob has a ling hivemind
log_messageLogs a message in a mob's individual log, and in the global logs as well if log_globally is true
lowest_buckled_mobFind the mob at the bottom of a buckle chain
manual_emoteAllows the intrepid coder to send a basic emote Takes text as input, sends it out to those who need to know after some light parsing If you need something more complex, make it into a datum emote Arguments:
me_verbThe me emote verb
memoryGet the notes of this mob
mob_has_gravityReturns true if a mob has gravity
mob_has_heavy_gravityused for determining if a mob should be flung
mob_negates_gravityDoes this mob ignore gravity
modeVerb to activate the object in your held hand
movement_delayCan the atom pass this mob (always true for /mob) Get the current movespeed delay of the mob
movespeed_modifier_identical_checkCheck if a movespeed modifier is identical to another
notify_ghost_cloningNotify a ghost that it's body is being cloned
onShuttleMoveMob move procs
on_block_magic_effectsCalled whenever a magic effect with a charge cost is blocked and we haven't recently blocked magic.
on_observing_action_grantedSignal proc for COMSIG_MOB_GRANTED_ACTION - If we're viewing another mob's action buttons, we need to update with any newly added buttons granted to the mob.
on_observing_action_removedSignal proc for COMSIG_MOB_REMOVED_ACTION - If we're viewing another mob's action buttons, we need to update with any removed buttons from the mob.
open_language_menuShow the language menu for this mob
perform_hand_swapPerforms the actual ritual of swapping hands, such as setting the held index variables
pointedPoint at an atom
post_buckle_mobCall back post buckle to a mob to offset your visual height
post_unbuckle_mobCall back post unbuckle from a mob, (reset your visual height here)
regenerate_iconsRedraws the entire mob. For carbons, this is rather expensive, please use the individual update_X procs.
remove_from_alive_mob_listRemoves the mob reference from the list of all mobs alive. If mob is cliented, it removes it from the list of all living player-mobs.
remove_from_current_dead_playersRemoves the mob reference from either the list of dead player-mobs or from the list of observers, depending on how they joined the game.
remove_from_current_living_antagsRemoves the mob reference from the list of living antag player-mobs.
remove_from_current_living_playersRemoves the mob reference from the list of living player-mobs. If the mob is an antag, it removes it from the list of living antag player-mobs.
remove_from_dead_mob_listRemvoes the mob reference from list of all the dead mobs. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all dead player-mobs.
remove_from_mob_listRemoves the mob reference from the list and directory of all mobs. Called on Destroy().
remove_from_mob_suicide_listRemoves a mob references from the list of all suicided mobs
remove_from_player_listRemoves the mob reference from the list of all player-mobs, besides from either the of dead or alive player-mob lists, as appropriate. Called on Logout().
remove_movespeed_modifierRemove a move speed modifier from a mob
replace_identification_nameupdate the ID name of this mob
replace_records_nameUpdates GLOB.data_core records with new name , see mob/living/carbon/human
reset_perspectiveReset the attached clients perspective (viewpoint)
restrainedIs the mob restrained
say_deadSpeak as a dead person (ghost etc)
say_verbSay verb
setMovetypeSet the movement type of the mob and update it's movespeed
set_blindnessForce set the blindness of a mob to some level
set_disgustSet the disgust level of a mob
set_invis_seesee invisibility is the mob's capability to see things that ought to be hidden from it Can think of it as a primitive version of changing the alpha of planes We mostly use it to hide ghosts, no real reason why
set_nutritionForce set the mob nutrition
set_sightSight here is the mob.sight var, which tells byond what to actually show to our client See code__DEFINES\sight.dm for more details
set_speciesDNA MOB-PROCS
show_messageShow a message to this mob (visual)
show_other_mob_action_buttonsShow (most) of the another mob's action buttons to this mob
shuttleRotateMob rotate procs
slipCalled when this mob slips over, override as needed
sort_movespeed_modlistSort the list of move speed modifiers
spinSpin this mob around it's central axis
sync_lighting_plane_cutoffSet the lighting plane hud alpha to the mobs lighting_alpha var
toggle_move_intentToggle the move intent of the mob
total_multiplicative_slowdownCalculate the total slowdown of all movespeed modifiers
upMoves a mob upwards in z level
update_action_buttonsThis proc handles adding all of the mob's actions to their screen
update_clothingUpdates every item slot passed into it.
update_config_movespeedSet or update the global movespeed config on a mob
update_gravityUpdate the gravity status of this mob
update_inv_handsUpdates the held items overlay(s) & HUD element.
update_mob_action_buttonsUpdates all action buttons this mob has.
update_mouse_pointerUpdate the mouse pointer of the attached client in this mob
update_movespeedGo through the list of movespeed modifiers and calculate a final movespeed
update_pull_hud_iconUpdate the pulling hud icon
update_rest_hud_iconUpdate the resting hud icon
update_sightUpdate the lighting plane and sight of this mob (sends COMSIG_MOB_UPDATE_SIGHT)
update_stamina_hudChanges the stamina HUD based on new information
voteMob level verb that allows players to vote on the current vote.
vv_edit_varHandles the special case of editing the movement var
vv_get_dropdownGet the mob VV dropdown extras
vv_get_varextra var handling for the logging var
whisperWhisper a message.
whisper_verbWhisper verb

Var Details


A weakref to the last mob/living/carbon to push/drag/grab this mob (exclusively used by slimes friend recognition)


List of action hud items the user has


What hand is the active hand


Storage component (for mob inventory)


Default body temperature


What icon the mob uses for typing indicators


movable atoms buckled to this mob


movable atom we are buckled to


The calculated mob speed slowdown based on the modifiers list


Whether combat mode can be toggled


The current client inhabiting this mob. Managed by login/logout This exists so we can do cleanup in logout for occasions where a client was transfere rather then destroyed We need to do this because the mob on logout never actually has a reference to client We also need to clear this var/do other cleanup in client/Destroy, since that happens before logout HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


A list of chameleon actions we have specifically This can be unified with the actions list


Allows a datum to intercept all click calls this mob is the so


The client colors the mob is looking at. (from 'code/modules/client/client_color.dm')


Whether combat mode is enabled


Used by admins to possess objects. All mobs should have this var


The sound made on death

leave null for no sound. used for *deathgasp


Can they be tracked by the AI?


what does the AI see instead of them?


Are they ivisible to the AI?


For storing what do_after's someone has, in case we want to restrict them to only one of a certain do_after at a time


Used for tracking last uses of emotes for cooldown purposes


Is the mob blind


Does the mob have blurry sight


A list of factions that this mob is currently in, for hostile mob targetting, amongst other things


What receives our keyboard inputs. src by default. (from 'code/modules/keybindings/focus.dm')


Whether grab mode is enabled


Can they interact with station electronics


list of items held in hands

len = number of hands, eg: 2 nulls is 2 empty hands, 1 item and 1 null is 1 full hand and 1 empty hand.

NB: contains nulls!

held_items[active_hand_index] is the actively held item, but please use get_active_held_item() instead, because OOP


The HUD type the mob will gain on Initialize. (from 'code/_onclick/hud/hud.dm')


Active hud


Is the mob throw intent on


Is the mob pixel shifted


What job does this mob have


The last known IP of the client who was in this mob


A list of red, green and blue cutoffs This is what actually gets applied to the mob, it's modified by things like glasses


Percentage of how much rgb to max the lighting plane at This lets us brighten it without washing out color Scale from 0-100, reset off update_sight()


the current turf being examined in the stat panel


The movement intent of the mob (run/wal)


The machine the mob is interacting with (this is very bad old code btw)


Size of the user's memory(IC notes)


A mock client, provided by tests and friends


List of datums that this has which make use of MouseMove()


Can this mob enter shuttles


List of movement speed modifiers applying to this mob


back up of the real name during admin possession

If an admin possesses an object it's real name is set to the admin name and this stores whatever the real name was previously. When possession ends, the real name is reset to this value


Tick time the mob can next move


Magic var that stops you moving and interacting with anything

Set when you're being turned into something else and also used in a bunch of places it probably shouldn't really be


How many legs does this mob currently have. Should only be changed through set_num_legs()


The list of people observing this mob.


Actions that belong to this mob used in observers


How many ticks this mob has been over reating


List of progress bars this mob is currently seeing for actions


What is the mobs real name (name is overridden for disguises etc)


THe z level this mob is currently registered in


Calls relay_move() to whatever this is set to when the mob tries to move


I have no idea tbh


Satiation level of the mob


Contains the fullscreen overlays the mob can see (from 'code/_onclick/hud/fullscreen.dm')


Whether the context menu is opened with shift-right-click as opposed to right-click


can this mob move freely in space (should be a trait)


Whether a mob is alive or dead. TODO: Move this to living - Nodrak (2019, still here)


bitflags defining which status effects can be inflicted (replaces canknockdown, canstun, etc)



Tracks open UIs for a user.


Whether the mob is updating glide size when movespeed updates or not


The zone this mob is currently targeting

Proc Details


Some kind of debug verb that gives atmosphere environment details


Delete a mob

Removes mob from the following global lists

Unsets the focus var

Clears alerts for this mob

Resets all the observers perspectives to the tile this mob is on

qdels any client colours in place on this mob

Ghostizes the client attached to this mob

Parent call

Returns QDEL_HINT_HARDDEL (don't change this)


Generate the tag for this mob

This is simply "mob_"+ a global incrementing counter that goes up for every mob


Intialize a mob

Sends global signal COMSIG_GLOB_MOB_CREATED

Adds to global lists

Other stuff:


This might need a rename but it should replace the can this mob use things check


Run when a client is put in this mob or reconnets to byond and their client was on this mob

Things it does:


Controls if a mouse drop succeeds (return null if it doesnt)


Handles mob/living movement in space (or no gravity)

Called by /client/Move()

return TRUE for movement or FALSE for none

You can move in space if you have a spacewalk ability


Topic call back for any mob


Allows you to respawn, abandoning your current mob

This sends you back to the lobby creating a new dead mob

Only works if flag/norespawn is allowed in config


Add a note to the mind datum


Add a move speed modifier to a mob


Adds the mob reference to the list of all mobs alive. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all living player-mobs.


Adds the cliented mob reference to either the list of dead player-mobs or to the list of observers, depending on how they joined the game.


Adds the cliented mob reference to the list of living antag player-mobs.


Adds the cliented mob reference to the list of living player-mobs. If the mob is an antag, it adds it to the list of living antag player-mobs.


Adds the mob reference to the list of all the dead mobs. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all dead player-mobs.


Adds the mob reference to the list and directory of all mobs. Called on Initialize(mapload).


Adds a mob reference to the list of all suicided mobs


Adds the cliented mob reference to the list of all player-mobs, besides to either the of dead or alive player-mob lists, as appropriate. Called on Login().


Adjust a mobs blindness by an amount

Will apply the blind alerts if needed


Adjust the body temperature of a mob, with min/max settings


Adjust the disgust level of a mob


Adjust the nutrition of a mob


This proc is called whenever someone clicks an inventory ui slot.

Mostly tries to put the item into the slot if possible, or call attack hand on the item in the slot if the users active hand is empty


Checks if the attached client is an admin and may deadmin them


Called from login


Blind a mobs eyes by amount


Buckle to another mob

You can buckle on mobs if you're next to them since most are dense

Turns you to face the other mob too


Can this mob use storage


Can the mob use Topic to interact with machines


Checks to see if the mob can block magic



can the mob be buckled to something by default?


Checks to see if the mob can cast normal magic spells.



Can the mob hear


Can this mob hold items


Can the mob interact() with an atom?


Returns TRUE if the mob is allowed to mutate via its DNA, or FALSE if otherwise. Only an organic Carbon with valid DNA may mutate; not robots, AIs, aliens, Ians, or other mobs.


Can this mob read (is literate and not blind)


Can this mob resist (default FALSE)


Can the mob see reagents inside of containers?


can the mob be unbuckled from something by default?


Sometimes helps if the user is stuck in another perspective or camera


Returns true if a mob can turn to face things



Check if this message is an emote


Clicks a random nearby mob with the source from this mob


Examine text for traits shared by multiple types.

I wish examine was less copypasted. (oranges say, be the change you want to see buddy)


Creates a message overlay at a defined location for a given speaker



Moves a mob down a z level


Auto equip the passed in item the appropriate slot based on equipment priority

puts the item "W" into an appropriate slot in a human's inventory

returns 0 if it cannot, 1 if successful


Actually equips an item to a slot (UNSAFE)

This is an UNSAFE proc. It merely handles the actual job of equipping. All the checks on whether you can or can't equip need to be done before! Use mob_can_equip() for that task.

In most cases you will want to use equip_to_slot_if_possible()


Try to equip an item to a slot on the mob

This is a SAFE proc. Use this instead of equip_to_slot()!

set qdel_on_fail to have it delete W if it fails to equip

set disable_warning to disable the 'you are unable to equip that' warning.

unset redraw_mob to prevent the mob icons from being redrawn at the end.


Equip an item to the slot or delete

This is just a commonly used configuration for the equip_to_slot_if_possible() proc, used to equip people when the round starts and when events happen and such.

Also bypasses equip delay checks, since the mob isn't actually putting it on.


Signal sent after the eye has been successfully updated, with the client existing. Examine a mob

mob verbs are faster than object verbs. See this byond forum post for why this isn't atom/verb/examine()


Check if the other mob has any factions the same as us

If exact match is set, then all our factions must match exactly


Find the first name of a mob from the real name with regex


Fully update the name of a mob

This will update a mob's name, real_name, mind.name, GLOB.data_core records, pda, id and traitor text

Calling this proc without an oldname will only update the mob and skip updating the pda, id and records ~Carn


Convert a list of spells into a displyable list for the statpanel

Shows charge and other important info


Get the bodypart for whatever hand we have active, Only relevant for carbons


Get the global config movespeed of a mob by type


Get the ghost of this mob (from the mind)


Get the id card on this mob


Get the item on the mob in the storage slot identified by the id passed in


Extracts and cleans message of any extenstions at the begining of the message Inserts the info into the passed list, returns the cleaned message

Result can be


returns the height in pixel the mob should have when buckled to another mob.


Get the move speed modifiers list of the mob


Return the desc of this mob for a photo


Get the list of keywords for policy config

This gets the type, mind assigned roles and antag datums as a list, these are later used to send the user relevant headadmin policy config


Gets what slot the item on the mob is held in. Returns null if the item isn't in any slots on our mob. Does not check if the passed item is null, which may result in unexpected outcoms.


Find movable atoms? near a mob that are viable for pushing off when moving


Get the organ object from the mob matching the passed in typepath



Get an organ relating to a specific slot



Get organ objects by zone

This will return a list of all the organs that are relevant to the zone that is passedin



Force get the ghost from the mind


our active hand, to check if it's disabled/detatched how long it takes for the blind person to find the thing they're examining temporarily turn off combat mode for reasons handle_eye_contact() is called when we examine() something. If we examine an alive mob with a mind who has examined us in the last 2 seconds within 5 tiles, we make eye contact!

Note that if either party has their face obscured, the other won't get the notice about the eye contact Also note that examine_more() doesn't proc this or extend the timer, just because it's simpler this way and doesn't lose much. The nice part about relying on examining is that we don't bother checking visibility, because we already know they were both visible to each other within the last second, and the one who triggers it is currently seeing them


Is there a movespeed modifier for this mob


Checks if this mob has a status effect that shares the passed effect's ID

checked_effect - TYPEPATH of a status effect to check for. Checks for its ID, not it's typepath

Returns an instance of a status effect, or NULL if none were found.


Returns a list of all status effects that share the passed effect type's ID

checked_effect - TYPEPATH of a status effect to check for. Checks for its ID, not it's typepath

Returns a list


Returns HAND_LEFT or HAND_RIGHT based on whether the left or right hand is selected


Hide another mob's action buttons from this mob

Used for observers viewing another mob's screen


Check if the mob has a hivemind channel


Is the mob incapacitated


Is the mob a flying mob


This mob is abile to read books


Handle the result of a click drag onto this mob

For mobs this just shows the inventory Is the mob muzzled (default false)


Check if the mob has a ling hivemind


Logs a message in a mob's individual log, and in the global logs as well if log_globally is true


Find the mob at the bottom of a buckle chain


Allows the intrepid coder to send a basic emote Takes text as input, sends it out to those who need to know after some light parsing If you need something more complex, make it into a datum emote Arguments:


The me emote verb


Get the notes of this mob

This actually gets the mind datums notes


Returns true if a mob has gravity

I hate that this exists


used for determining if a mob should be flung


Does this mob ignore gravity


Verb to activate the object in your held hand

Calls attack self on the item and updates the inventory hud for hands


Can the atom pass this mob (always true for /mob) Get the current movespeed delay of the mob



Check if a movespeed modifier is identical to another


Notify a ghost that it's body is being cloned


Mob move procs


Called whenever a magic effect with a charge cost is blocked and we haven't recently blocked magic.


Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_GRANTED_ACTION - If we're viewing another mob's action buttons, we need to update with any newly added buttons granted to the mob.


Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_REMOVED_ACTION - If we're viewing another mob's action buttons, we need to update with any removed buttons from the mob.


Show the language menu for this mob


Performs the actual ritual of swapping hands, such as setting the held index variables


Point at an atom

mob verbs are faster than object verbs. See this byond forum post for why this isn't atom/verb/pointed()

note: ghosts can point, this is intended

visible_message will handle invisibility properly

overridden here and in /mob/dead/observer for different point span classes and sanity checks


Call back post buckle to a mob to offset your visual height


Call back post unbuckle from a mob, (reset your visual height here)


Redraws the entire mob. For carbons, this is rather expensive, please use the individual update_X procs.


Removes the mob reference from the list of all mobs alive. If mob is cliented, it removes it from the list of all living player-mobs.


Removes the mob reference from either the list of dead player-mobs or from the list of observers, depending on how they joined the game.


Removes the mob reference from the list of living antag player-mobs.


Removes the mob reference from the list of living player-mobs. If the mob is an antag, it removes it from the list of living antag player-mobs.


Remvoes the mob reference from list of all the dead mobs. If mob is cliented, it adds it to the list of all dead player-mobs.


Removes the mob reference from the list and directory of all mobs. Called on Destroy().


Removes a mob references from the list of all suicided mobs


Removes the mob reference from the list of all player-mobs, besides from either the of dead or alive player-mob lists, as appropriate. Called on Logout().


Remove a move speed modifier from a mob


update the ID name of this mob


Updates GLOB.data_core records with new name , see mob/living/carbon/human


Reset the attached clients perspective (viewpoint)

reset_perspective() set eye to common default : mob on turf, loc otherwise reset_perspective(thing) set the eye to the thing (if it's equal to current default reset to mob perspective)


Is the mob restrained


Speak as a dead person (ghost etc)


Say verb


Set the movement type of the mob and update it's movespeed


Force set the blindness of a mob to some level


Set the disgust level of a mob


see invisibility is the mob's capability to see things that ought to be hidden from it Can think of it as a primitive version of changing the alpha of planes We mostly use it to hide ghosts, no real reason why


Force set the mob nutrition


Sight here is the mob.sight var, which tells byond what to actually show to our client See code__DEFINES\sight.dm for more details





Standard interaction/sanity checks. Different mob types may have overrides.

return UI_state The state of the UI.


Show a message to this mob (visual)


Show (most) of the another mob's action buttons to this mob

Used for observers viewing another mob's screen


Mob rotate procs


Called when this mob slips over, override as needed


Sort the list of move speed modifiers

Verifies it too. Sorts highest priority (first applied) to lowest priority (last applied)


Spin this mob around it's central axis


Set the lighting plane hud alpha to the mobs lighting_alpha var


Toggle the move intent of the mob

triggers an update the move intent hud as well


Calculate the total slowdown of all movespeed modifiers


Moves a mob upwards in z level


This proc handles adding all of the mob's actions to their screen

If you just need to update existing buttons, use /mob/proc/update_mob_action_buttons!



Updates every item slot passed into it.


Set or update the global movespeed config on a mob


Update the gravity status of this mob


Updates the held items overlay(s) & HUD element.


Updates all action buttons this mob has.



Update the mouse pointer of the attached client in this mob


Go through the list of movespeed modifiers and calculate a final movespeed


Update the pulling hud icon


Update the resting hud icon


Update the lighting plane and sight of this mob (sends COMSIG_MOB_UPDATE_SIGHT)


Changes the stamina HUD based on new information


Mob level verb that allows players to vote on the current vote.


Handles the special case of editing the movement var


Get the mob VV dropdown extras


extra var handling for the logging var


Whisper a message.

Basic level implementation just speaks the message, nothing else.


Whisper verb