Yogstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


The base type for nearly all physical objects in SS13

Lots and lots of functionality lives here, although in general we are striving to move as much as possible to the components/elements system


active_hud_listall of this atom's HUD images which can actually be seen by players with that hud
age_restrictedWhether spessmen with an ID with an age below AGE_MINOR (21 by default) can buy this item
armorArmor datum used by the atom
articleIf non-null, overrides a/an/some in all cases
atom_coloursused to store the different colors on an atom
atom_integrityCurrent integrity, defaults to max_integrity on init
base_icon_statethe base icon state used for anything that changes their icon state.
base_pixel_xDefault pixel x shifting for the atom's icon.
base_pixel_yDefault pixel y shifting for the atom's icon.
bottom_left_cornerSmoothing variable
bottom_right_cornerSmoothing variable
buckle_message_cooldownCooldown tick timer for buckle messages
canSmoothWithList of smoothing groups this atom can smooth with. If this is null and atom is smooth, it smooths only with itself. Must be sorted.
can_atmos_passCheck if atmos can pass in this atom (ATMOS_PASS_YES, ATMOS_PASS_NO, ATMOS_PASS_DENSITY, ATMOS_PASS_PROC)
custom_materialsThe custom materials this atom is made of, used by a lot of things like furniture, walls, and floors (if I finish the functionality, that is.)
custom_premium_priceEconomy cost of item in premium vendor
custom_priceEconomy cost of item
damage_deflectionDamage under this value will be completely ignored
demo_last_appearanceLast appearance of the atom for demo saving purposes
explosion_blockValue used to increment ex_act() if reactionary_explosions is on
fingerprintslastLast fingerprints to touch this atom
flags_1First atom flags var
greyscale_colorsA string of hex format colors to be used by greyscale sprites, ex: "#0054aa#badcff"
greyscale_configThe config type to use for greyscaled sprites. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work.
hud_listall of this atom's HUD (med/sec, etc) images. Associative list of the form: list(hud category = hud image or images for that category). most of the time hud category is associated with a single image, sometimes its associated with a list of images. not every hud in this list is actually used. for ones available for others to see, look at active_hud_list.
hud_possibleHUD images that this atom can provide.
integrity_failureIntegrity level when this atom will "break" (whatever that means) 0 if we have no special broken behavior, otherwise is a percentage of at what point the atom breaks. 0.5 being 50%
interaction_flags_atomIntearaction flags
lightOur light source. Don't fuck with this directly unless you have a good reason!
light_angleAngle of light to show in light_dir 360 is a circle, 90 is a cone, etc.
light_colorHexadecimal RGB string representing the colour of the light. White by default.
light_dirWhat angle to project light in
light_flagsBitflags to determine lighting-related atom properties.
light_heightHow many tiles "up" this light is. 1 is typical, should only really change this if it's a floor light
light_onBoolean variable for toggleable lights. Has no effect without the proper light_system, light_range and light_power values.
light_powerIntensity of the light. The stronger, the less shadows you will see on the lit area.
light_rangeRange of the light in tiles. Zero means no light.
light_sourcesAny light sources that are "inside" of us, for example, if src here was a mob that's carrying a flashlight, that flashlight's light source would be part of this list.
light_systemLight systems, both shouldn't be active at the same time.
managed_overlaysoverlays managed by update_overlays to prevent removing overlays that weren't added by the same proc. Single items are stored on their own, not in a list.
managed_vis_overlaysvis overlays managed by SSvis_overlays to automaticaly turn them like other overlays
material_flagsBitfield for how the atom handles materials.
max_integrityMaximum integrity
proximity_monitorProximity monitor associated with this atom
rad_insulationRadiation insulation types
reagentsReagents holder
realized_overlaysList of overlay "keys" (info about the appearance) -> mutable versions of static appearances Drawn from the overlays list
realized_underlaysList of underlay "keys" (info about the appearance) -> mutable versions of static appearances Drawn from the underlays list
smoothing_flagsIcon-smoothing behavior.
smoothing_groupsWhat smoothing groups does this atom belongs to, to match canSmoothWith. If null, nobody can smooth with it. Must be sorted.
smoothing_junctionWhat directions this is currently smoothing with. IMPORTANT: This uses the smoothing direction flags as defined in icon_smoothing.dm, instead of the BYOND flags.
targeted_byMobs that are currently do_after'ing this atom, to be cleared from on Destroy()
top_left_cornerSmoothing variable
top_right_cornerSmoothing variable
update_on_zLazylist of all images (or atoms, I'm sorry) (hopefully attached to us) to update when we change z levels You will need to manage adding/removing from this yourself, but I'll do the updating for you
update_overlays_on_zLazylist of all overlays attached to us to update when we change z levels You will need to manage adding/removing from this yourself, but I'll do the updating for you Oh and note, if order of addition is important this WILL break that. so mind yourself
uses_integrityany atom that uses integrity and can be damaged must set this to true, otherwise the integrity procs will throw an error


AllowDropAre you allowed to drop this atom
BeamThis is what you use to start a beam. Example: origin.Beam(target, args). Store the return of this proc if you don't set maxdist or time, you need it to delete the beam.
CanAllowThroughReturns true or false to allow the mover to move through src
CanPassCan the mover object pass this atom, while heading for the target turf
CheckExitAre you allowed to pass a sided object of the same dir
CheckPartsEnsure a list of atoms/reagents exists inside this atom
DestroyTop level of the destroy chain for most atoms
EnteredAn atom has entered this atom's contents
ExitAn atom is attempting to exit this atom's contents
ExitedAn atom has exited this atom's contents
HandleTurfChangecalled when the turf the atom resides on is ChangeTurfed
HasProximityIs this atom within 1 tile of another atom
InitializeThe primary method that objects are setup in SS13 with
LateInitializeLate Intialization, for code that should run after all atoms have run Intialization
NewSends a signal that the new atom src, has been created at loc Called when an atom is created in byond (built in engine proc)
RemoveInvisibilityRemoves the specified invisibility source from the tracker
SetInvisibilitySets invisibility according to priority. If you want to be able to undo the value you set back to what it would be otherwise, you should provide an id here and remove it using RemoveInvisibility(id)
SpinAnimationProc called when you want the atom to spin around the center of its icon (or where it would be if its transform var is translated) By default, it makes the atom spin forever and ever at a speed of 60 rpm.
TopicPasses Stat Browser Panel clicks to the game and calls client click on an atom
acid_actRespond to acid being used on our atom
add_atom_colourAdds an instance of colour_type to the atom's atom_colours list
add_emitterATOM PROCS priority is in descending order so 10 is the highest 1 is the lowest
add_mob_bloodto add blood from a mob onto something, and transfer their dna info
analyzer_actAnalyzer act
assume_airTake air from the passed in gas mixture datum
atom_breakCalled after the atom takes damage and integrity is below integrity_failure level
atom_destructionwhat happens when the atom's integrity reaches zero.
atom_fixCalled when integrity is repaired above the breaking point having been broken before
attack_hand_secondaryWhen the user uses their hand on an item while holding right-click Returns a SECONDARY_ATTACK_* value.
attack_hulkThis atom has been hit by a hulkified mob in hulk mode (user)
audible_messageShow a message to all mobs in earshot of this atom
balloon_alertCreates text that will float from the atom upwards to the viewer.
balloon_alert_to_viewersCreate balloon alerts (text that floats up) to everything within range. Will only display to people who can see.
balloon_or_messageCreates a balloon alert, or sends a chat message dependant on client preferences. Args: viewer - mob that gets message/alert, alert - balloon alert text, message - text message that the mob gets if the preference is toggled, equals to alert message if not passed in the proc
bitmask_smoothBasic smoothing proc. The atom checks for adjacent directions to smooth with and changes the icon_state based on that.
blob_actReact to a hit by a blob objecd
bullet_actReact to a hit by a projectile object
calculate_adjacenciesScans all adjacent turfs to find targets to smooth with.
check_eyeCheck if this atoms eye is still alive (probably)
component_storage_contents_dump_actImplement the behaviour for when a user click drags another storage item to you
connect_to_shuttleConnect this atom to a shuttle
contains_atomChecks if an atom is inside another atom. Significantly faster than iterating through all the mob's contents.
contents_explosionHandle what happens when your contents are exploded by a bomb
create_reagentsConvenience proc to create a reagents holder for an atom
crowbar_actCrowbar act
do_alert_animationDoes the MGS ! animation
do_spin_animationAnimates source spinning around itself. For docmentation on the args, check atom/proc/SpinAnimation()
drop_locationWhere atoms should drop if taken from this atom
emag_actRespond to an emag being used on our atom
emp_actReact to an EMP of the given severity
ex_actReact to being hit by an explosion
examineCalled when a mob examines (shift click or verb) this atom
examine_moreCalled when a mob examines (shift click or verb) this atom twice (or more) within EXAMINE_MORE_WINDOW (default 1.5 seconds)
find_type_in_directionScans direction to find targets to smooth with.
flick_overlayFlicks a certain overlay onto an atom, handling icon_state strings
flick_overlay_viewTakes the passed in MA/icon_state, mirrors it onto ourselves, and displays that in world for duration seconds Returns the displayed object, you can animate it and all, but you don't own it, we'll delete it after the duration
get_all_orbitersRecursive getter method to return a list of all ghosts orbitting this atom
get_dumping_locationGet the best place to dump the items contained in the source storage item?
get_examine_nameGet the name of this object for examine
get_examine_stringGenerate the full examine string of this atom (including icon for goonchat)
get_integrityThis mostly exists to keep atom_integrity private. Might be useful in the future.
get_material_composition*Returns the material composition of the atom.
get_remote_view_fullscreensthe vision impairment to give to the mob whose perspective is set to that atom
handle_atom_delThis proc is called when an atom in our contents has it's Destroy() called
handle_fallCalled when gravity returns after floating I think
handle_slipHandle the atom being slipped over
has_gravityReturns true if this atom has gravity for the passed in turf
hitbyReact to being hit by a thrown object
hitby_reactWe have have actually hit the passed in atom
honk_actRespond to honkmother eating our atom
hulk_damageCalled to get the damage that hulks will deal to the atom.
in_contents_ofReturn true if we're inside the passed in atom
is_drainableIs this atom drainable of reagents
is_drawableCan we draw from this atom with an injectable atom
is_injectableIs this atom injectable into other atoms
is_open_containerConvenience proc to see if a container is open for chemistry handling
is_refillableCan this atoms reagents be refilled
is_spillableCan this atom spill its reagents
isinspaceIs this atom in space
log_messageGeneric logging helper
log_talkHelper for logging chat messages or other logs with arbitrary inputs (e.g. announcements)
mat_update_descThis proc is called when a material updates an object's description
mech_melee_attackHandle melee attack by a mech
modify_max_integritychanges max_integrity while retaining current health percentage, returns TRUE if the atom got broken.
multitool_actMultitool act
multitool_check_bufferCheck if the multitool has an item in it's data buffer
narsie_actRespond to narsie eating our atom
onCentComIs this atom currently located on centcom
onSyndieBaseIs the atom in any of the centcom syndicate areas
on_logCalled when the atom log's in or out
play_attack_soundthe sound played when the atom is damaged.
prepare_hudsPrepare the huds for this atom
rad_actRespond to a radioactive wave hitting this atom
ratvar_actRespond to ratvar eating our atom
rcd_actRespond to an RCD acting on our item
rcd_valsReturn the values you get when an RCD eats you?
realize_overlaysTakes the atoms's existing overlays and underlays, and makes them mutable so they can be properly vv'd in the realized_overlays/underlays list
relaymoveAn atom we are buckled or is contained within us has tried to move
remove_airRemove air from this atom
remove_atom_colourRemoves an instance of colour_type from the atom's atom_colours list
repair_damageProc for recovering atom_integrity. Returns the amount repaired by
replace_smooth_overlaysInternal: Takes icon states as text to replace smoothing corner overlays
return_airReturn the current air environment in this atom
return_analyzable_airReturn the air if we can analyze it
return_temperatureReturn atom temperature
run_atom_armorreturns the damage value of the attack after processing the atom's various armor protections
runechat_prefs_checkReturns the client runechat visible messages preference according to the message type.
rust_heretic_actCauses effects when the atom gets hit by a rust effect from heretics
screwdriver_actScrewdriver act
setClosedUsed to set something as 'closed' if it's being used as a supplypod
setDirHook for running code when a dir change occurs
setOpenedUsed to set something as 'open' if it's being used as a supplypod
setShiftUsed to change the pixel shift of an atom
set_custom_materialsSets the custom materials for an item.
set_densitySetter for the density variable to append behavior related to its changing.
set_greyscaleHandles updates to greyscale value updates. The colors argument can be either a list or the full color string. Child procs should call parent last so the update happens after all changes.
set_hud_image_activeset every hud image in the given category active so other people with the given hud can see it. Arguments:
set_hud_image_inactivesets every hud image in the given category inactive so no one can see it
set_light_angleSetter for the light angle of this atom
set_light_colorSetter for the light color of this atom.
set_light_dirSetter for the light direction of this atom
set_light_flagsSetter for the light flags of this atom.
set_light_heightSetter for the height of our light
set_light_onSetter for whether or not this atom's light is on.
set_light_powerSetter for the light power of this atom.
set_light_rangeSetter for the light range of this atom.
set_opacityUpdates the atom's opacity value.
set_smoothed_icon_stateChanges the icon state based on the new junction bitmask
shuttleRotateBase proc
singularity_actRespond to the singularity eating this atom
singularity_pullRespond to the singularity pulling on us
smooth_icondo not use, use QUEUE_SMOOTH(atom)
spasm_animationSimilar to shake but more spasm-y and jerk-y
storage_contents_dump_actImplement the behaviour for when a user click drags a storage object to your atom
swarmer_actDetermines what happens to an atom when a swarmer interacts with it
take_damageThe essential proc to call when an atom must receive damage of any kind.
tool_actTool behavior procedure. Redirects to tool-specific procs by default.
transfer_mob_blood_dnato add a mob's dna info into an object's blood_dna list.
update_appearanceUpdates the appearence of the icon
update_descUpdates the description of the atom
update_greyscaleChecks if this atom uses the GAGS system and if so updates the icon
update_iconUpdates the icon of the atom
update_icon_stateUpdates the icon state of the atom
update_integrityHandles the integrity of an atom changing. This must be called instead of changing integrity directly.
update_lightWill update the light (duh). Creates or destroys it if needed, makes it update values, makes sure it's got the correct source turf...
update_nameUpdates the name of the atom
update_overlaysUpdates the overlays of the atom
update_remote_sightthe sight changes to give to the mob whose perspective is set to that atom
visible_messageGenerate a visible message from this atom
vv_edit_varResets the atom's color to null, and then sets it to the highest priority colour available call back when a var is edited on this atom
vv_get_dropdownReturn the markup to for the dropdown list for the VV panel for this atom
washWash this atom
wash_creamwash cream off this object
welder_actWelder act
wirecutter_actWirecutter act
wrench_actWrench act

Var Details


all of this atom's HUD images which can actually be seen by players with that hud


Whether spessmen with an ID with an age below AGE_MINOR (21 by default) can buy this item


Armor datum used by the atom


If non-null, overrides a/an/some in all cases


used to store the different colors on an atom

its inherent color, the colored paint applied on it, special color effect etc...


Current integrity, defaults to max_integrity on init


the base icon state used for anything that changes their icon state.


Default pixel x shifting for the atom's icon.


Default pixel y shifting for the atom's icon.


Smoothing variable


Smoothing variable


Cooldown tick timer for buckle messages


List of smoothing groups this atom can smooth with. If this is null and atom is smooth, it smooths only with itself. Must be sorted.




The custom materials this atom is made of, used by a lot of things like furniture, walls, and floors (if I finish the functionality, that is.)


Economy cost of item in premium vendor


Economy cost of item


Damage under this value will be completely ignored


Last appearance of the atom for demo saving purposes


Value used to increment ex_act() if reactionary_explosions is on


Last fingerprints to touch this atom


First atom flags var


A string of hex format colors to be used by greyscale sprites, ex: "#0054aa#badcff"


The config type to use for greyscaled sprites. Both this and greyscale_colors must be assigned to work.


all of this atom's HUD (med/sec, etc) images. Associative list of the form: list(hud category = hud image or images for that category). most of the time hud category is associated with a single image, sometimes its associated with a list of images. not every hud in this list is actually used. for ones available for others to see, look at active_hud_list.


HUD images that this atom can provide.


Integrity level when this atom will "break" (whatever that means) 0 if we have no special broken behavior, otherwise is a percentage of at what point the atom breaks. 0.5 being 50%


Intearaction flags


Our light source. Don't fuck with this directly unless you have a good reason!


Angle of light to show in light_dir 360 is a circle, 90 is a cone, etc.


Hexadecimal RGB string representing the colour of the light. White by default.


What angle to project light in


Bitflags to determine lighting-related atom properties.


How many tiles "up" this light is. 1 is typical, should only really change this if it's a floor light


Boolean variable for toggleable lights. Has no effect without the proper light_system, light_range and light_power values.


Intensity of the light. The stronger, the less shadows you will see on the lit area.


Range of the light in tiles. Zero means no light.


Any light sources that are "inside" of us, for example, if src here was a mob that's carrying a flashlight, that flashlight's light source would be part of this list.


Light systems, both shouldn't be active at the same time.


overlays managed by update_overlays to prevent removing overlays that weren't added by the same proc. Single items are stored on their own, not in a list.


vis overlays managed by SSvis_overlays to automaticaly turn them like other overlays


Bitfield for how the atom handles materials.


Maximum integrity


Proximity monitor associated with this atom


Radiation insulation types


Reagents holder


List of overlay "keys" (info about the appearance) -> mutable versions of static appearances Drawn from the overlays list


List of underlay "keys" (info about the appearance) -> mutable versions of static appearances Drawn from the underlays list


Icon-smoothing behavior.


What smoothing groups does this atom belongs to, to match canSmoothWith. If null, nobody can smooth with it. Must be sorted.


What directions this is currently smoothing with. IMPORTANT: This uses the smoothing direction flags as defined in icon_smoothing.dm, instead of the BYOND flags.


Mobs that are currently do_after'ing this atom, to be cleared from on Destroy()


Smoothing variable


Smoothing variable


Lazylist of all images (or atoms, I'm sorry) (hopefully attached to us) to update when we change z levels You will need to manage adding/removing from this yourself, but I'll do the updating for you


Lazylist of all overlays attached to us to update when we change z levels You will need to manage adding/removing from this yourself, but I'll do the updating for you Oh and note, if order of addition is important this WILL break that. so mind yourself


any atom that uses integrity and can be damaged must set this to true, otherwise the integrity procs will throw an error

Proc Details


Are you allowed to drop this atom


This is what you use to start a beam. Example: origin.Beam(target, args). Store the return of this proc if you don't set maxdist or time, you need it to delete the beam.

Unless you're making a custom beam effect (see the beam_type argument), you won't actually have to mess with any other procs. Make sure you store the return of this Proc, you'll need it to kill the beam. Arguments: BeamTarget: Where you're beaming from. Where do you get origin? You didn't read the docs, fuck you. icon_state: What the beam's icon_state is. The datum effect isn't the ebeam object, it doesn't hold any icon and isn't type dependent. icon: What the beam's icon file is. Don't change this, man. All beam icons should be in beam.dmi anyways. maxdistance: how far the beam will go before stopping itself. Used mainly for two things: preventing lag if the beam may go in that direction and setting a range to abilities that use beams. beam_type: The type of your custom beam. This is for adding other wacky stuff for your beam only. Most likely, you won't (and shouldn't) change it.


Returns true or false to allow the mover to move through src


Can the mover object pass this atom, while heading for the target turf


Are you allowed to pass a sided object of the same dir


Ensure a list of atoms/reagents exists inside this atom

Goes throught he list of passed in parts, if they're reagents, adds them to our reagent holder creating the reagent holder if it exists.

If the part is a moveable atom and the previous location of the item was a mob/living, it calls the inventory handler transferItemToLoc for that mob/living and transfers the part to this atom

Otherwise it simply forceMoves the atom into this atom


Top level of the destroy chain for most atoms

Cleans up the following:


An atom has entered this atom's contents

Default behaviour is to send the COMSIG_ATOM_ENTERED


An atom is attempting to exit this atom's contents

Default behaviour is to send the COMSIG_ATOM_EXIT

Return value should be set to FALSE if the moving atom is unable to leave, otherwise leave value the result of the parent call


An atom has exited this atom's contents

Default behaviour is to send the COMSIG_ATOM_EXITED


called when the turf the atom resides on is ChangeTurfed

Default behaviour is to loop through atom contents and call their HandleTurfChange() proc


Is this atom within 1 tile of another atom


The primary method that objects are setup in SS13 with

we don't use New as we have better control over when this is called and we can choose to delay calls or hook other logic in and so forth

During roundstart map parsing, atoms are queued for intialization in the base atom/New(), After the map has loaded, then Initalize is called on all atoms one by one. NB: this is also true for loading map templates as well, so they don't Initalize until all objects in the map file are parsed and present in the world

If you're creating an object at any point after SSInit has run then this proc will be immediately be called from New.

mapload: This parameter is true if the atom being loaded is either being intialized during the Atom subsystem intialization, or if the atom is being loaded from the map template. If the item is being created at runtime any time after the Atom subsystem is intialized then it's false.

The mapload argument occupies the same position as loc when Initialize() is called by New(). loc will no longer be needed after it passed New(), and thus it is being overwritten with mapload at the end of atom/New() before this proc (atom/Initialize()) is called.

You must always call the parent of this proc, otherwise failures will occur as the item will not be seen as initalized (this can lead to all sorts of strange behaviour, like the item being completely unclickable)

You must not sleep in this proc, or any subprocs

Any parameters from new are passed through (excluding loc), naturally if you're loading from a map there are no other arguments

Must return an initialization hint or a runtime will occur.

Note: the following functions don't call the base for optimization and must copypasta handling:


Late Intialization, for code that should run after all atoms have run Intialization

To have your LateIntialize proc be called, your atoms Initalization proc must return the hint INITIALIZE_HINT_LATELOAD otherwise it will never be called.

useful for doing things like finding other machines on GLOB.machines because you can guarantee that all atoms will actually exist in the "WORLD" at this time and that all their Intialization code has been run


Sends a signal that the new atom src, has been created at loc Called when an atom is created in byond (built in engine proc)

Not a lot happens here in SS13 code, as we offload most of the work to the Intialization proc, mostly we run the preloader if the preloader is being used and then call InitAtom of which the ultimate result is that the Intialize proc is called.


Removes the specified invisibility source from the tracker


Sets invisibility according to priority. If you want to be able to undo the value you set back to what it would be otherwise, you should provide an id here and remove it using RemoveInvisibility(id)


Proc called when you want the atom to spin around the center of its icon (or where it would be if its transform var is translated) By default, it makes the atom spin forever and ever at a speed of 60 rpm.



Passes Stat Browser Panel clicks to the game and calls client click on an atom


Respond to acid being used on our atom

Default behaviour is to send COMSIG_ATOM_ACID_ACT and return


Adds an instance of colour_type to the atom's atom_colours list


ATOM PROCS priority is in descending order so 10 is the highest 1 is the lowest


to add blood from a mob onto something, and transfer their dna info


Analyzer act


Take air from the passed in gas mixture datum


Called after the atom takes damage and integrity is below integrity_failure level


what happens when the atom's integrity reaches zero.


Called when integrity is repaired above the breaking point having been broken before


When the user uses their hand on an item while holding right-click Returns a SECONDARY_ATTACK_* value.


This atom has been hit by a hulkified mob in hulk mode (user)


Show a message to all mobs in earshot of this atom

Use for objects performing audible actions



Creates text that will float from the atom upwards to the viewer.


Create balloon alerts (text that floats up) to everything within range. Will only display to people who can see.


Creates a balloon alert, or sends a chat message dependant on client preferences. Args: viewer - mob that gets message/alert, alert - balloon alert text, message - text message that the mob gets if the preference is toggled, equals to alert message if not passed in the proc


Basic smoothing proc. The atom checks for adjacent directions to smooth with and changes the icon_state based on that.

Returns the previous smoothing_junction state so the previous state can be compared with the new one after the proc ends, and see the changes, if any.


React to a hit by a blob objecd

default behaviour is to send the COMSIG_ATOM_BLOB_ACT signal


React to a hit by a projectile object

Default behaviour is to send the COMSIG_ATOM_BULLET_ACT and then call on_hit() on the projectile


Scans all adjacent turfs to find targets to smooth with.


Check if this atoms eye is still alive (probably)


Implement the behaviour for when a user click drags another storage item to you

In this case we get as many of the tiems from the target items compoent storage and then put everything into ourselves (or our storage component)

TODO these should be purely component items that intercept the atom clicks higher in the call chain


Connect this atom to a shuttle


Checks if an atom is inside another atom. Significantly faster than iterating through all the mob's contents.


Handle what happens when your contents are exploded by a bomb



Check the distance for a living mob. Really only used for checks outside the context of a mob. Otherwise, use shared_living_ui_distance().

required src_object The object which owns the UI. required user mob The mob who opened/is using the UI.

return UI_state The state of the UI.


Convenience proc to create a reagents holder for an atom



Crowbar act


Does the MGS ! animation


Animates source spinning around itself. For docmentation on the args, check atom/proc/SpinAnimation()


Where atoms should drop if taken from this atom


Respond to an emag being used on our atom


Returns: TRUE if the emag had any effect, falsey otherwise.


React to an EMP of the given severity

Default behaviour is to send the COMSIG_ATOM_EMP_ACT signal

If the signal does not return protection, and there are attached wires then we call emp_pulse() on the wires

We then return the protection value


React to being hit by an explosion

Default behaviour is to call contents_explosion() and send the COMSIG_ATOM_EX_ACT signal


Called when a mob examines (shift click or verb) this atom

Default behaviour is to get the name and icon of the object and it's reagents where the TRANSPARENT flag is set on the reagents holder

Produces a signal COMSIG_ATOM_EXAMINE


Called when a mob examines (shift click or verb) this atom twice (or more) within EXAMINE_MORE_WINDOW (default 1.5 seconds)

This is where you can put extra information on something that may be superfluous or not important in critical gameplay moments, while allowing people to manually double-examine to take a closer look



Scans direction to find targets to smooth with.


Flicks a certain overlay onto an atom, handling icon_state strings


Takes the passed in MA/icon_state, mirrors it onto ourselves, and displays that in world for duration seconds Returns the displayed object, you can animate it and all, but you don't own it, we'll delete it after the duration


Recursive getter method to return a list of all ghosts orbitting this atom

This will work fine without manually passing arguments.


Get the best place to dump the items contained in the source storage item?


Get the name of this object for examine

You can override what is returned from this proc by registering to listen for the COMSIG_ATOM_GET_EXAMINE_NAME signal


Generate the full examine string of this atom (including icon for goonchat)


This mostly exists to keep atom_integrity private. Might be useful in the future.


*Returns the material composition of the atom.


the vision impairment to give to the mob whose perspective is set to that atom

(e.g. an unfocused camera giving you an impaired vision when looking through it)


This proc is called when an atom in our contents has it's Destroy() called

Default behaviour is to simply send COMSIG_ATOM_CONTENTS_DEL


Called when gravity returns after floating I think


Handle the atom being slipped over


Returns true if this atom has gravity for the passed in turf

Sends signals COMSIG_ATOM_HAS_GRAVITY and COMSIG_TURF_HAS_GRAVITY, both can force gravity with the forced gravity var

Gravity situations:


React to being hit by a thrown object

Default behaviour is to call hitby_react() on ourselves after 2 seconds if we are dense and under normal gravity.

Im not sure why this the case, maybe to prevent lots of hitby's if the thrown object is deleted shortly after hitting something (during explosions or other massive events that throw lots of items around - singularity being a notable example)


We have have actually hit the passed in atom

Default behaviour is to move back from the item that hit us


Respond to honkmother eating our atom

Default behaviour is to send COMSIG_ATOM_HONK_ACT and return


Called to get the damage that hulks will deal to the atom.


Return true if we're inside the passed in atom


Is this atom drainable of reagents


Can we draw from this atom with an injectable atom


Is this atom injectable into other atoms


Convenience proc to see if a container is open for chemistry handling


Can this atoms reagents be refilled


Can this atom spill its reagents


Is this atom in space


Generic logging helper


Helper for logging chat messages or other logs with arbitrary inputs (e.g. announcements)


This proc is called when a material updates an object's description


Handle melee attack by a mech


changes max_integrity while retaining current health percentage, returns TRUE if the atom got broken.


Multitool act


Check if the multitool has an item in it's data buffer


Respond to narsie eating our atom

Default behaviour is to send COMSIG_ATOM_NARSIE_ACT and return


Is this atom currently located on centcom

Specifically, is it on the z level and within the centcom areas

You can also be in a shuttleshuttle during endgame transit

Used in gamemode to identify mobs who have escaped and for some other areas of the code who don't want atoms where they shouldn't be


Is the atom in any of the centcom syndicate areas

Either in the syndie base on centcom, or any of their shuttles

Also used in gamemode code for win conditions


Called when the atom log's in or out

Default behaviour is to call on_log on the location this atom is in


the sound played when the atom is damaged.


Prepare the huds for this atom

Goes through hud_possible list and adds the images to the hud_list variable (if not already cached)


Respond to a radioactive wave hitting this atom

Default behaviour is to send COMSIG_ATOM_RAD_ACT and return


Respond to ratvar eating our atom

Default behaviour is to send COMSIG_ATOM_RATVAR_ACT and return


Respond to an RCD acting on our item

Default behaviour is to send COMSIG_ATOM_RCD_ACT and return FALSE


Return the values you get when an RCD eats you?


Takes the atoms's existing overlays and underlays, and makes them mutable so they can be properly vv'd in the realized_overlays/underlays list


An atom we are buckled or is contained within us has tried to move

Default behaviour is to send a warning that the user can't move while buckled as long as the buckle_message_cooldown has expired (50 ticks)


Remove air from this atom


Removes an instance of colour_type from the atom's atom_colours list


Proc for recovering atom_integrity. Returns the amount repaired by


Internal: Takes icon states as text to replace smoothing corner overlays


Return the current air environment in this atom


Return the air if we can analyze it


Return atom temperature


returns the damage value of the attack after processing the atom's various armor protections


Returns the client runechat visible messages preference according to the message type.


Causes effects when the atom gets hit by a rust effect from heretics

Override this if you want custom behaviour in whatever gets hit by the rust


Screwdriver act


Used to set something as 'closed' if it's being used as a supplypod

Override this if you want an atom to be usable as a supplypod.


Hook for running code when a dir change occurs

Not recommended to use, listen for the COMSIG_ATOM_DIR_CHANGE signal instead (sent by this proc)


Used to set something as 'open' if it's being used as a supplypod

Override this if you want an atom to be usable as a supplypod.


Used to change the pixel shift of an atom


Sets the custom materials for an item.


Setter for the density variable to append behavior related to its changing.


Handles updates to greyscale value updates. The colors argument can be either a list or the full color string. Child procs should call parent last so the update happens after all changes.


set every hud image in the given category active so other people with the given hud can see it. Arguments:


sets every hud image in the given category inactive so no one can see it


Setter for the light angle of this atom


Setter for the light color of this atom.


Setter for the light direction of this atom


Setter for the light flags of this atom.


Setter for the height of our light


Setter for whether or not this atom's light is on.


Setter for the light power of this atom.


Setter for the light range of this atom.


Updates the atom's opacity value.

This exists to act as a hook for associated behavior. It notifies (potentially) affected light sources so they can update (if needed).


Changes the icon state based on the new junction bitmask


Base proc


Respond to the singularity eating this atom


Respond to the singularity pulling on us

Default behaviour is to send COMSIG_ATOM_SING_PULL and return


do not use, use QUEUE_SMOOTH(atom)


Similar to shake but more spasm-y and jerk-y


Implement the behaviour for when a user click drags a storage object to your atom

This behaviour is usually to mass transfer, but this is no longer a used proc as it just calls the underyling /datum/component/storage dump act if a component exists

TODO these should be purely component items that intercept the atom clicks higher in the call chain


Determines what happens to an atom when a swarmer interacts with it

Determines behavior upon being interacted on by a swarmer. Arguments:


The essential proc to call when an atom must receive damage of any kind.


Tool behavior procedure. Redirects to tool-specific procs by default.

You can override it to catch all tool interactions, for use in complex deconstruction procs.

Must return parent proc ..() in the end if overridden


to add a mob's dna info into an object's blood_dna list.


Updates the appearence of the icon

Mostly delegates to update_name, update_desc, and update_icon



Updates the description of the atom


Checks if this atom uses the GAGS system and if so updates the icon


Updates the icon of the atom


Updates the icon state of the atom


Handles the integrity of an atom changing. This must be called instead of changing integrity directly.


Will update the light (duh). Creates or destroys it if needed, makes it update values, makes sure it's got the correct source turf...


Updates the name of the atom


Updates the overlays of the atom


the sight changes to give to the mob whose perspective is set to that atom

(e.g. A mob with nightvision loses its nightvision while looking through a normal camera)


Generate a visible message from this atom

Show a message to all player mobs who sees this atom

Show a message to the src mob (if the src is a mob)

Use for atoms performing visible actions

message is output to anyone who can see, e.g. "The [src] does something!"



Resets the atom's color to null, and then sets it to the highest priority colour available call back when a var is edited on this atom

Can be used to implement special handling of vars

At the atom level, if you edit a var named "color" it will add the atom colour with admin level priority to the atom colours list

Also, if GLOB.Debug2 is FALSE, it sets the ADMIN_SPAWNED_1 flag on flags_1, which signifies the object has been admin edited


Return the markup to for the dropdown list for the VV panel for this atom

Override in subtypes to add custom VV handling in the VV panel


Wash this atom

This will clean it off any temporary stuff like blood. Override this in your item to add custom cleaning behavior. Returns true if any washing was necessary and thus performed Arguments:


wash cream off this object

(for the love of space jesus please make this a component)


Welder act


Wirecutter act


Wrench act